End of Nations Wiki

Master of hit-and-run tactics, the Marauder combines explosive multi-pod cannons with rocket-powered evasion. Igniting its Jet Fuel, the Marauder can slip into battle, deliver its payload, and exit before the enemy can bring their guns to bear.


The Marauder is a terrifying, short-ranged, and very mobile artillery vehicle. It can devastate infantry and tear down structures with ease. It is particularly useful in hit and run attacks. Because it uses wheels instead of tank tracks, the Marauder enjoys a higher degree of maneuverability than most standard self-propelled guns.


The quick-wheeled Marauder fires longer-than-normal projectiles and excels at engaging and destroying buildings and infantry units.

In close quarters the Marauder can employ the Jet Fuel ability to augment its speed with a brief burst of acceleration. The extra burst burns out fast but it enables the Marauder to strike hard and elude counterattacks with lightning swiftness.

Being a very fast-paced mobile artillery, its attack deals an AoE damage. However, as it is not a direct damage, its attack can miss fast-moving enemy units such as the Liberation Front's Archimedes.


Jet fuel[]

Increases the Marauder's movement speed by 50% for 30 seconds. At MK3, it also grants immunity to slows and stuns for the duration.
